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My Iran website and server are protected through my 1970 Invoking of Law of Intent. Link to all Videos on Platform - Our Governments are hijacking Earth with corona fraud and hoax vaccine and their 5G. The most Evil structure on Earth has been built on Australian soil.
By 5EYE having their idol of their GOD "SATAN" on Australian soil allows coming Judgement (5EYE is Null and Void) ![]() ![]() completed 1988 for New World Order was unattainable then and always will be unattainable because of my Invoking of the 2nd Law
13th July 2024: The below shows no one had obtained my consent or my allowance to start a new game for Satan on Earth after 1970, that's controlled by 5EYE intelligence agencies violating my invoking. - Fear Law for violating what I hold. The Bible script was defeated in 1970 and is why all agendas after 1970 invoking are null and void as intelligence agencies and governments are accountable through my invoking after I, as a Navy Diver, withdrew from the game after a clandestine act under age, when they violated the authority of signed law - referred to as the authority of the god's document under the Commonwealth of Australia and its Constitution of 1901 when accountable for alien technology in me, on Australian soil and on Earth, as shown by my CT scan on my website with all my affidavits of evidence I hold. CT scan on my Iran website, ends alien plan of New World Order within my intent. All allowed themselves to be judged by accepting the authority of signed law and laws of creation in 3rd dimension to continue on Earth after 1949 with the rule of law, international law and the UN. Charter, and judged whether or not of Creation's intended design on Earth after 1949.
Australia's taking all to hell through their Genocide & Ethnic cleansing Aborigines from their land Australia’s Genocide and Ethnic cleansing continues to this day, first started when the British set up a convict colony in Australia in 1788, then started their Ethnic Cleansing of the Aborigines from their Land for the creation in the future of 1901, for Australia’s Capital Territory and building Australia’s first Parliament house enshrined under the Commonwealth of Australia and its Constitution of 1901. Australia’s Government has already destroyed the Aborigines God given immune system with COVID bio-weapon injection along with poisoning their Air, Food and Water when No one has ever had Consent or Allowance from Creation’s oldest race on Earth to be on their land with this Evil game against Creation. Murders - Cover Up - "Genocide of the Original Peoples" Wanting to take over Earth for their Lucifer has been defeated on Australian soil because Australia is the Concealed Colony Sinwar's death due to the holocaust lie - the greatest lie ever told that's allowed the Palestinian to be subject to Genocide. The Myth of the U.N. Creation of Israel UN Resolution 181 neither partitioned Palestine nor conferred any legal authority to the Zionists for their unilateral declaration of Israel's existence. - was done for "British Zionism" the most evil force on Earth through Freemasonries lust for world dominance and, British Zionism is the boss in 5EYE that allows them to be the shadow Zionist Government of these five countries of 5EYE. see: Global Domination and Israel was behind the attacks of October 7 below screenshot of the Housing Service letter with a security initial that I know shows he has enlarged his security initial Australia's Government is null & void - NO Constitutional authority to govern for the last 49 years You can not transfer signed security laws regarding me, this means I am the only lawful person under the Commonwealth of Australia and its Constitution of 1901 on Australian soil because, “The God’s Document” as Chris Bowen states below I have the God’s document that’s been signed and can never be undone. - I was discharged from the Navy, 5th November 1971 long before the Unlawful act of 1973. Satanist Deathbed Confession “Upper Intelligence Agencies creating a Satanic theocracy” my Brisbane Supreme Court Affidavit: harold-holt.net/Page03.htm file No: BS 1127/04, in which paragraph (12), I state "As part of my duties I engaged in several clandestine operations, one of which was the removal of the body of the then Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt from his home out to a waiting fishing boat the night before it was reported he disappeared while swimming" and was also stated in my Supreme Court Affidavit, file No: BS 9166 / 03. The authority of my 1967 original signed law, the Harold Holt's god's document referred to as the God's document is there to PROTECT me from all form of interference and confrontations from Intelligence Agencies, Military, Governments and others. shows The Phantom – The Controller has played his Last Card – The Alien Card to show all, his Devil’s Game is Over. and, regarding my Security Order that all refer to as The God’s Document. (authority of signed LAW) and, my Affidavit 11/11/99 against the Defence Department shows: NOL351/30/1998 dated 12 Sept “68” and on 19 Sept they linked me to computers after obtaining my alien signed law from clandestine act under legal adult age ( I hold another file – 351/30/3697P ) – they had use this file No as reply quote with my discharge and not my Official No of R95040 showing 351/30/3697P being my Operational Personal file. and, my Affidavit of the 24/8/2000 shows: Australian Federal Police 2 page letter 6 Sept 1996 that’s stamped “PROTECTED ” top and bottom of both pages. and, It should be noted: both my Affidavit of 11/11/99 and Affidavit of 24/8/2000, had been established as a Fact and a Fact of Evidence by both the Defence Department and the Federal Attorney Generals Department in previous hearings where both were included in my Affidavit and submitted with my evidence to the Brisbane Supreme Court. Also my Affidavit of 11/11/99, states, I was under the legal adult age of consent during the period when I was a Navy Clearance Diver involved in several clandestine acts and I spent the next 30 years unable to spell, write or talk with clarity and yet able to comprehend everything I read - I have regained these lost abilities as time has gone on. “Transhumanism: The End Game” The 17th December 1967 was the murder of Australia's Prime Minister Harold Holt who was murdered late Saturday night on the 16th of December 1967 and was reported missing around midday on Sunday the 17th of December 1967 while swimming. All Nations and Demons violate this god's document. - I'm referring to my original signed law because I walked for Law of Intent in Lucifer's Devil's game. All of the above shows the evidence I hold to have all accountable for the Creator's final judgement. This is why, I don't care what's said or done because you don't make deals with the Devil and if the Devil's game is not destroyed then my evidence will come into play for the Creator's final judgement of his creation through my 1970 Invoking because this evil would never stop. The destruction 5EYE has done to our Planet Earth, when “Their God Satan" is only a Computer, the Whore of all Whores, who has NO authority on Earth to violate me or to violate my 1967 original signed law, Harold Holt's god's document under the Commonwealth of Australia and its Constitution of 1901. Trump is the Little Bitch for the demon controlled 5EYE and, Trump Family Transgender Sodomites |
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Australia : The Commonwealth Government's website reads: Harold Holt disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach near Portsea , Victoria on 17 December, 1967 . His body was never recovered. Without determining the cause of Holt's death, a joint report by Commonwealth and Victoria Police, submitted in January 1968, concluded that, '... there has been no indication that the disappearance of the late Mr Holt was anything other than accidental'. The report (see copy on file A1209, 1968/8063) found that his last movements followed a routine domestic pattern, his demeanor had been normal and despite his knowledge of the beach, the turbulent conditions (high winds, rough seas and rip tides) overcame him. The explanations put forward for a failure to find the body included an attack by marine life, the body being carried out to sea by tides or becoming wedged in rock crevices. While a variety of theories have been expounded about Holt's disappearance, the Commonwealth Government did not deem a formal inquiry necessary, accepting the conclusions of the Police report. Contrary to the above, Holt was murdered, because he was opposed to American bases such as Pine Gap being built on Australian soil Prime Minister Harold Holt was murdered late Saturday night on the 16th of December 1967 and was reported missing around midday on Sunday the 17th of December 1967 while swimming. There was no evidence to support the "official" report of Harold Holt drowning, nor was there any evidence of a Chinese submarine abducting him and of course "they" all knew this and it was 6 months after this website was up "they" then get the Victorian State Coroner to hold an inquiry into Harold Holts disappearance to have an Official finding 38 years later how Harold Holt drowned on the morning of 17th December 1967. The Victoria Coroner ignored my request as shown by the below letter sent to him 16 months earlier, to give evidence at the inquest into Harold Holts disappearance and where the Coroner also ignored my Brisbane Supreme Court sworn Affidavit, file No: BS 1127/04, in which pargraph (12), I state "As part of my duties I engaged in several clandestine operations, one of which was the removal of the body of the then Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt from his home out to a waiting fishing boat the night before it was reported he disappeared while swimming" and was also stated in my Supreme Court Affidavit, file No: BS 9166 / 03. Read on and judge for yourself what is "Truth" |
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Gary Simmons have invoked this web site under the Second Law of the
Universe because I have withdrawn my consent to their deliberate intent
where I was used for evil purposes. 1st Feb. 2005 |
Due to an interference with the haroldholt.net website which resulted in this site being offline for two days I was forced to change my site URL from www.haroldholt.net to www.harold-holt.net --- Yes, this www.harold-holt.net website is still Invoked under the 2nd Law of the Universe as my Invoking was put into play/focus before I had a website up. --- You can read my email, which I had sent to my Server's Support Team regarding this matter by clicking this link - This www.harold-holt.net site was recreated and activated on the - 22/9/06 - | ||||||||||||||
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--Explanation regarding my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe – at the bottom of the page - |
Click the Links below -- emails, the world should read. You will pay America - your NBC news has knowingly connected to internal links of my harold-holt.net website. Fukushima: Hanging by a Thread - our entire civilization is hanging by a thread. Planetary Damage, Climate Chaos and more havoc to come Truth, where's ones conscience to what's unfolding on Earth. |
Also our Australian Constitution is illegal and invalid, which proves how no Australian man or woman can or could have claimed to have legally represented or obtained the "Free Will or the Consent" of the Sovereign People of Australia, from Federation to this our Present Day - making all contracts and agreements in the name of the Sovereign People of Australia illegal and invalid, which include all things on or to do with Australian soil like Military Bases and all agreements signed with the United Nations. View at this link how the Australian Constitution is illegal and invalid |
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Letter Turned Into 2 Page Flyer |
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The below Coroners letter was turned into a 2 page flyer with my CT-Scan photo on the back as shown on page 2 of this website and over 10,000 were sent out. | ||||||||||||||
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The world's always been in the clutches of the Devil's game |
“Technology’s violated Creation here on Earth” -- which everyone so conveniently overlooks -- All actions and agendas of everyone on Earth, be it Military, Political, Religious or those for human experience changed in 1971 through the Invoking of the 2nd Law and that’s a fact, everything has been unobtainable here on Earth through the last 40 years and always was unobtainable, the world’s only allowed themselves to be judged in Creation – Game Over – Read the below email: 12,500 emails was sent around the world to all the little puppets who think they are the God’s of this planet, including the media whores who love pleasing their masters by publishing lies and disinformation for the evil agenda on Earth. =========================================== “No Allowance” for any Evil Agendas actions on Earth, Law applies Technology accountable through the 1971 Invoking of the 2nd Law for violating Creation, and with my Intent, my Allowance withdrawn here on Earth from Law of Intent and all other Laws in Creation, Law applies through Law of Intent. You Fools, you only had Law of Attraction in play with the misuse and misunderstanding of Law of Allowance from the Original Intent – so all through time what was in play was Law of Attraction and where you failed to comprehend Planet Earth has been created within the Original Intent with Law of Balance, the foundation to Creation. All actions and agendas of everyone on Earth, be it Military, Political, Religious or those for human experience changed in 1971 through the Invoking of the 2nd Law and that’s a fact, everything has been unobtainable here on Earth through the last 40 years and always was unobtainable, the world’s only allowed themselves to be judged in Creation – Game Over –
“Technology’s violated Creation here on Earth, which everyone so conveniently overlooks” We Love You, Devil? and Satan on the American Dollar! Beyond Patch-up The Gulf of Mexico is Dying Israel's False Flag Attack on the USS Liberty June 8, 1967, in international waters to start world war 3 with Egypt and Russia. BP Oil Spill Stalls Gulf Loop Current Conclusive Evidence Well A is not the well that blew up on 20 April "Super Long leaking fissure" The Actors on the world stage, might be able to scoff at Domestic and International Law "they" created but "they" are accountable to the Creators Laws through my Invoking of the 2nd Law and it's these Laws that will take "their" accountability out to infinity for standing in defiance to the Creators Laws and his Creation. and, I give No Allowance to anyone or anything in the flow of Creation to violate my Invoking as it's through my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe here in Australia all are accountable for illegal technology on Australian soil and here on Planet Earth and for violating the Laws of Creation. As shown in my CT-Scan, illegal technology is being used on Planet Earth and this illegal technology had been placed in me against my freewill and consent, when I was under the legal adult age of consent (then 21 years old) during the period when I was a Navy Clearance Diver involved in several clandestine acts, as stated in my Affidavit of 11/11/99. The Creator waited a long time to see his Laws come into play knowing Creation’s correct, and the fools that belong to the Luciferian agenda, the Creator cannot be unseated, he is his Laws, and it’s these Laws that are the foundation to Creation you all overlooked. -- “Technology’s violated Creation here on Earth, which everyone so conveniently overlooks” -- This letter is addressed to you Mr McClelland, as the Highest Law Officer belonging to the Australian Government in the land of Australia. Mr McClelland, as the Highest Law Officer you are to inform the Leader of the Government to get in touch with the Highest Intelligence Officer on Australian soil who, is to get in touch with those in Authority regarding the Authority I hold that all refers to the Authority of the so called Gods document. Now they are now to inform this Authority, that I am to be brought before, to explain: (1) why this Authority has been violated through actions of those who are only subordinate to this Authority whereby their actions are interfering with me and those near me. (2) and why the Authority with its consequences of this document is not applied to the person or persons who are violating it through their subordinate actions to this Authority. (3) and why it has been allowed that I’ve endured 40 years violations to this Authority when all other Authorities are only subordinate to this Authority. All should remember and it should be noted, this Authority cannot refuse my request for these explanations as this action interferes with my action in play, which will allow the Authority of Creation to stop his action in play here on Earth and throughout Creation, which all other actions are connected to and subordinate to and it’s Authority. And it should be noted, all actions that are put near me interfere with this Authority that I hold, and also violate the Authority I hold through the 1971 Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe, which has all accountable for illegal technology on Earth and for violating Creation, and this evidence I hold as shown by the CT-Scan of my throat as shown on the http://www.harold-holt.net/ website that’s Invoked under the 2nd Law of the Universe, and which any interference involving this website violates this Invoking and violates the Authority that I hold that all other Authorities are subordinate to as stated above. Non action regarding this letter with all the above is taken as a refusal to accept or acknowledge my request with its demands regarding this Authority that I hold, which then automatically allows the next action to come into play – The Authority of Creation to end his Authority in play and all other actions connected to his Authority. Gary D Simmons. [email protected] http://www.harold-holt.net/ [email protected] 2/10 Dorothy Street, |
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Technology�s violated creation here on Earth: |
The below email shows it’s all been a hoax and an illusion and technology’s violated Creation here on Earth, which everyone so conveniently overlooks, but all are accountable through my Invoking of the 2nd Law and they know it and it makes no difference to me what others believe or say must happen or unfold, so read the below and see for yourself how I show them they are accountable, and this game on Earth is coming to a stop. and, you’ll also see how the below email template has been sent to all world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISRAELI whole capital is a occult Masonic shrine, like Wash DC, Israel was not founded as a jewish state, it's founded as an occult state.. Israeli Supreme Court Well-planned and well-financed world-wide publicity through every available media by well-organized groups of so-called or self-styled "Jews" for three centuries has created a "secondary meaning" for the word "Jew" which has completely "blacked out" the original and correct meaning of the word "Jew". There can be no doubt about that. http://www.henrymakow.com/jesus_was_not_a_jew_--benjamin.html
The 6-pointed star or Hexagram is a Masonic Symbol. It's non-masonic use was propagated during the 19th century by Freemasons into new congregation construction in Industrial Britain and then it's farflung empire. The Menorah, not the Hexagram is the true symbol of God's covenent with the Jewish people. There is absolutely no proof that the Hexagram was ever used by, or associated with, King David or the Temple he planned and prepared for which was erected after his death by his son, King Solomon. http://www.freemasonrywatch.org/sixpointedstar.html Australian Parliament House completed in1988 for the New World Order was unattainable then and always will be unattainable because of my Invoking of the 2nd Law. The Australian Parliament House Canberra, designed as a temple and image of the Goat of Mendes or Baphomet with headress or crown (a well known representation of Lucifer in the occult and pagan religions). The building is located on Capital Hill at the apex of the Parliamentary Triangle. The design of both Canberra and Washington D.C. consist of triangles that depict the Great Seal. Canberra is the reflection or image of Washington D.C. (seat of the Antichrist) and together with Rome (seat of the False Prophet) the 3 great cities form the inverted triangle to complete the New World Order plan. ---- The world's always been in the clutches of the Devil's game --- Creation has no favourites or makes promises: so why on Earth is there chosen ones and promises here on Earth. Technology’s violated creation here on Earth: I have Invoked the 2nd Law of the Universe here in Australia to have all accountable for illegal technology on Australian soil and here on Planet Earth and for violating the Laws of Creation. As shown in my CT-Scan, illegal technology is being used on Planet Earth and this illegal technology had been placed in me against my freewill and consent, when I was under the legal adult age of consent (then 21 years old) during the period when I was a Navy Clearance Diver involved in several clandestine acts, as stated in my Affidavit of 11/11/99. And also as the Australian Constitution is illegal and invalid shows how no-one has ever obtained the true consent of we the Sovereign People of Australia to have Joint Military Facility's along with it's "alien technology" on Australian soil such as Pine Gap or to have Satanic structures such as the Australian Parliament House built on Australian soil (see photos).
It's all been a hoax and it's all been an illusion, the world's always been in the clutches of the Devil's game with the illusion there is law and the hope of the return of a saviour and still their word of accountability in the illusion is ignored. What all the stage players have failed to comprehend, "their" Annointed One, The Controller, The Illuminated One, The Devil along with his many other names was always accountable for his actions from "Day One" and this is why he laid out this evil game that we see today to make everyone else just as accountable as he is and especially the Dark One's who were attracted later to the game, which was changed to include them. ( Israel, U.S and including the Jesuits and the Vatican belong to this Dark group ) This is why this evil game on Earth is slowing down dramatically and it will soon be at a stop and then all on Earth will see the illusion that was created including all the Emporers are wearing no clothes as "they" are accountable and have no authority to be here or to play this evil game here on Earth when it is not even "their" Planet. In other words, their game is over, them and their Satanic God are accountable now to our Highest Authority, our Creator through my Invoking of the 2nd Law here in Australia and where now their mocking has come to an end. It is what it is. Creation is, technology’s violated Creation here on Earth, where Creation is now to apply to all violations to Creation and to all violations to the 1971 Invoking of the 2nd Law that has all accountable for illegal technology and for violating Creation here on Earth, this is the Creator’s Creation, Creation is. Creation is and why there’s no debate: Creation allows choice and for one to choose their path and allows one’s action to be in play until Creation corrects and cleanses itself where accountability is applied to all actions outside the flow of Creation. --- one’s responsible for one’s own choices and actions and is why there’s no debate in Creation, the Laws are and Creation is. --- =================================================== "Technology" has violated creation - "IT and YOU" won't escape accountability through the 1971 Invoking - emails - 88 boxes x 66 recipients totalling, 5,808 was sent to world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations =================================================== Israel - Dark Ones - Your Annointed One Lied to have you all just as accountable as HE is - ask him ???. emails - 109 boxes x 66 recipients totalling, 7,194 was sent to world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations. =================================================== "Satanic U.S. Dollar stays as is" - "New World Order unattainable through Lucifer's design and through my Invoking of 2nd Law". emails - 26 boxes x 66 recipients totalling, 1,716 was sent to world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations. From: Obama for America [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, 17 August, 2009 6:43:37 PM =================================================== Netanyahu, you can't do jack shit - accountability would be forthwith as my Invoking has all 'alien races' accountable here on Earth - emails - 109 boxes x 66 recipients totalling, 7,194 was sent to world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations. =================================================== Your Earth experience has ended - all alien races are accountable through my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe. emails - 109 boxes x 66 recipients totalling, 7,194 was sent to world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations =================================================== Holocaust lie violates my Invoking of the 2nd Law - correction now applies through the Laws of the Universe. emails - 109 boxes x 66 recipients totalling, 7,194 was sent to world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations =================================================== Your time's up, game's over, I now dare you to violate my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe. emails - 109 boxes x 66 recipients totalling, 7,194 was sent to world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations. =================================================== Note: as you're already accountable, controlling or interfering with the Internet violates my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe emails - 109 boxes x 66 recipients totalling, 7,194 was sent to world leaders and would be's and could be's such as the Vatican, the Queen, United Nations, NATO, Military and numerous other organizations From: "[email protected]" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009 12:04:51 PM ---- From: Broadcasting [email protected] To: Gary David Simmons [email protected] Sent: Monday, 18 May, 2009 3:03:01 PM =================================================== |
No Law on Earth can be in play that violates the 1971 Invoking, which already has Law in play on Earth for accountability. |
From: "[email protected]" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Thu, 11 February, 2010 7:23:16 AM Subject: No Law on Earth can be in play that violates the 1971 Invoking, which already has Law in play on Earth for accountability. Thank you for your message to the Attorney-General, The Hon Robert McClelland MP and for bringing your views to the Government's attention. ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "[email protected]" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Thu, 11 February, 2010 7:33:45 AM Subject: Re: Contact Us Thank you for your message. On behalf of President Obama, we appreciate hearing from you. |
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Explanation regarding my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe |
Photos of Gary Simmons |
these photos enlarged plus more information about each photo by clicking here |
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