Australian Government offical story was that Harold Holt
drowned, but they soon helped to spread the whisper that
Harold Holt was a Chinese spy and hightailed to China
on a Chinese Submarine and for the next 38 years the Australian
media were just too happy to dance to this tune for their
When Dame Zara, Holt's widow, first heard of this theory
several years later, she dismissed it as a conspiracy
theory and said: "Harry? Chinese submarine? He didn't
even like Chinese cooking."
It should be remembered not once during these 38 years
did the Australian Government or the Australian Media
ever try to debunk this story nor did they ever call for
an official inquest into his disappearance.
This fact alone shows how they all have sold their souls
and are only puppets for the puppet masters and if you
doubt this fact, you only have to look at the (photos)
of the Satanic structure of the Australian Parliament
House with the cap stone in place and the only place on
Earth where it is in place, and also view photos of the
world leaders doing the Satanic salute at: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Wicca%20&%20Witchcraft/signs_of_satan.htm
and at: http://www.benfrank.net/nuke/inaug_protest/bush-sign.html
Now it's only after having this website up on 1st February
2005, that the Defence Department came out to debunk the
Chinese submarine story in preparation for their Coroners
Inquiry into Holt's disappearance. "They" then
bring out Tom Frame, an Anglican Bishop of the Australian
Defence Force, who just happens to have interviewed both
Grey and Titcombe (who has since died) for a book he's
working on about Harold Holt. Frame then reveals how it
was Ron Titcombe, MBE. a former Navy Lieutenant Commander
Clearance Diving Officer who confessed to Frame, that
he had persuaded the British novelist Anthony Grey in
1983 that Holt had been a Chinese spy since the early
1930s and how Holt feared detection by Australian intelligence
officers and had sought political asylum in a Chinese
midget submarine waiting off Portsea, near Melbourne.
I must add that I can remember saying to anyone who asked
about Holt the first day it was reported he was missing
the same Titcombe line that Holt was a Chinese Spy and
hightailed on a Submarine to China.
Note: Tom Frame never mentioned
me in his book regarding what I had stated in my Brisbane
Supreme Court Affidavit 28th January
2004, where I stated "I took Harold Holt's body
from his home out to a waiting fishing boat the night
before he was reported missing around midday on the 17th
December 1967, while swimming at Cheviot Beach",
nor did he mention anything about this website. Also the
Australian Government and the Australian Defence Department
were aware of my writing about Harold Holt as far back
as 1993 as I was faxing a 17 page letter then to almost
every Politican in Australia and to all the Australian
media so all were very well aware of what I was saying
back then. The Government and the Media had also received
the letter I sent to the Prime Minister 15th
September 2003 outlining my involvement with the Australian
Secret Intelligence Service and how the enormity of my
High Security was encumbering every aspect of my life
and also my involvement in several clandestine acts, with
one of them being that of Harold Holt.
Here we have one of the greatest mysteries in Australia
involving the disappearance of an Australian Prime Minister,
Harold Holt and two Australian Navy Clearance Divers both
having had ties to the Australian Secret Intelligence
Service with two different stories of his disappearance
and yet Tom Frame ignores this link between two Navy Divers
and all my writings and Affidavit regarding Harold Holt
when he works for the Australian Defence Department. Then
again it appears he was just following "their script"
and explains why once more truth was concealed showing
he believes in the same GOD as Bush.
The below photograph shows Ron Titcombe in 1961 when he
was a Lieutenant Clearance Diving Officer diving on snowyriver
project. Then in 1966, Titcombe was the first Officer
to head the newly formed mobile Clearance Diving Team
One and now this is the same Ron Titcombe that our Australian
Media and others were trying to portray as some dodgy
rogue who had left the Navy under duress in 1968. In other
words they were making out that this man who has since
died was nothing but an outright fool.

to R) Ron Titcombe; Bill Fitzgerald; Keith Gregson and
'Pony' Moore

became a member of the Navy Clearance Diving Team One
on the 29th September 1967, at the age of 17 years and
9 months old when I drafted to this team the day after
completing my 8 month diving course and was a member of
this team for 14 months. It should also be noted during
this period the adult age was 21 years old and you had
to be over 21 years old to be on Team One and also may
I add, during this period, you also had to be over 18
1/2 years old before commencing a Navy Clearance Diving
Course. As shown in my Affidavit
11/11/99, I had 2 Official Serial Numbers, one of
them making me 4 1/2 years older which shows the extent
they went to, to hide me in the system and also to add
the 14 months while I was in this Diving Team, I was not
receiving Diving pay ( was kept at Sailors pay ) and as
was stated to me, it was because they didn't want Navy
Office to know where I was and I would receive all outstanding
money when I left Team One.
I would like to bring to the readers
attention: The action of Tom Frame and his Defence
Department Masters to ignore me, my P.M. letter 15th
September 2003, my Brisbane Supreme Court Affidavit
28th January 2004 and my Harold Holt website shows
they were very well aware of my fax sent to the Australian
Prime Minister of the Day, John Howard on the morning
of the 28th February 2005, informing him, The Australian
Federal Attorney General and the Military Section of the
Sydney Amercian Consulate of my Invoking. This letter
to Howard can be veiwed at: website
Invoked under the 2nd Law of the Universe and see
how I do have them all accountable.
Also the reader should also question
why the Victorian State Coroner did not call me for
his inquiry when I had sent him a letter requesting
my name to be registered for this inquiry and also enclosed
my Brisbane Supreme Court Affidavit
28th January 2004 and so why was I ignored and also
the reader should question why the Australian Media
had totally ignored me, my website and all my Affidavits
for all these years.
Now the reason they ignore me and leave me alone is
because of my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe,
as they know to interfere is a violation to my Invoking
of the 2nd Law of the Universe and I give no allowance
to anyone to interfere or violate the position I have
taken as I do have them accountable and they know it
and their evil game here on Earth has ended.
Laws of the Universe are what they are and the harold-holt.net
website is what it is
Below are news articles
regarding the Holt inquiry and all about Ron Titcombe
being the one who had made up this Chinese Submarine
story and the reader should now discern for themselves
what is truth.

Navy divers search for
Holt at Cheviot Beach, near Portsea,
in 1967.
Photo: File Image
Source behind Holt-to-China theory discredited
By Michelle Grattan
August 5, 2005
As the Victorian coroner prepares to deliver
a finding on Harold Holt's 1967 disappearance,
the identity of the ex-naval officer who claimed
the prime minister was taken from the sea by a
Chinese submarine has been revealed.
The bizarre allegation that Holt was a Chinese
spy was made to British writer Anthony Grey in
1983 by former Lieutenant Commander Ronald Titcombe,
The previous year Titcombe had been forced to
resign as secretary of the Melbourne Club because
he had not revealed his questionable financial
Titcombe, who left the navy under duress in 1968,
contacted Grey, claiming to know what happened
to Holt after he disappeared into the surf off
Cheviot Beach on December 17, 1967.
At a meeting in London, Titcombe handed over
a manuscript containing the story on which Grey
based his book The Prime Minister was a Spy,
a purported expose of how Holt had been in thrall
to the Chinese for decades. Grey sourced the claim
to a former RAN officer, but did not use his name,
because Titcombe wanted anonymity.
Tom Frame, Anglican bishop to the Australian
Defence Force, interviewed both Titcombe (who
has since died) and Grey for The Life and Death
of Harold Holt, published today, which would
have been Holt's 97th birthday.
Dr Frame said last night that Titcombe had not
previously been named in Australia as the source.
Grey told Dr Frame in 1999 by email that he remained
"as convinced as ever" the story was true. The
next year Grey claimed Holt's grave was in Beijing.
Titcombe's original claim was that he had been
on duty in naval headquarters in Canberra on the
day Holt disappeared, became suspicious of the
official account and later, after picking up a
hint in Baghdad, pieced together his story through
extensive inquiries. But Dr Frame demolishes Titcombe's
Titcombe, a navy diver, was forced to resign
because of personal indiscretions.
"A former naval colleague who worked with him
briefly in 1982 said simply: 'he was a friend
but also a professional con man'. Having spoken
to Titcombe myself, I believe the story is a complete
fabrication," writes Dr Frame.
"There could never realistically be much doubt
that Harold Holt drowned," he concludes.
The Victorian coroner's office said yesterday
the coroner on August 22 would begin inquests
into more than 80 cases of presumed drowning between
1960 and the mid-1980s, including Holt's, to "clear
the books".
behind Holt-to-China theory discredited - National
- theage.com.au |
The life and death of Harold Holt
The life and death of Harold
By Tom Frame
Allen & Unwin, $35
Tom Frame observes at the end of his biography
of Harold Holt that "sadly", the death of the
nation's 17th prime minister now overshadows his
It was inevitable. The drama of Holt's disappearance
riveted the nation; his prime ministership had
been contrastingly ordinary. Holt is not the worst
of our modern PMs (most observers would give that
reverse honour to Bill McMahon), but he doesn't
come within cooee of the best.
Even Holt's drowning in December 1967 off Cheviot
Beach had a touch of the typical about it - Holt
was "hot and went for a swim to cool down". What
was atypical was that this casual swimmer who
made a bad decision about the waves was Prime
Minister, and that reminds us how vastly life
at the top has changed in much less than a lifetime.
No contemporary PM would be allowed to venture
into the sea by himself.
The failure to find Holt's body would always
give his end a certain mystery; even so, the bizarre
claim advanced in a book published in the 1980s
that he had been a Chinese spy taken away in a
submarine would be hard to sell as fiction. Apparently
its author, Anthony Grey (appropriately, a novelist),
still "sincerely believes" the story, which he
got from a dodgy former navy man, Ronald Titcombe.
Frame, who is Anglican bishop to the Australian
Defence Force, painstakingly examines a theory
that many would dismiss as verging on leg pulling,
and not surprisingly concludes it is a "complete
Holt was a transitional prime minister: in office
692 days, coming between the Liberals' glory days
and their worst years, presiding over a nation
starting to change.
Though he came from the older Australia, he had
much of the modern about him. He took the first
and most important steps to breaking down White
Australia; he promoted Australia's positive (not
just military) engagement in Asia.
But it was Holt who declared Australia "all the
way with LBJ" and, pressed by the US, escalated
our military commitment to Vietnam. Anyone contemplating
the relationship between Holt and Lyndon Johnson
can't help but be struck by the modern parallels
with that between John Howard and George Bush.
Vietnam gave Holt a tremendous election victory
in 1966 but that commitment, like much else in
his political life, was starting to sour by the
summer of '67.
Holt was a decent man with decent values (the
latter come through in his administration of the
immigration portfolio, and his attitude to Aboriginal
affairs, where he carried the 1967 referendum
to give the federal government legislative power).
But his strength - his consensus style, which
earlier enabled him as labour minister to have
good relations with the union movement and ACTU
president Albert Monk even while in bitter conflict
with its militant, communist-dominated wing -
was his weakness as leader. He had "an inability
to manage power" and his party ran riot. Frame
wonders: "Is it possible for a decent, honest
and kind man to lead a nation?"
Well, perhaps difficult. Holt may well have been
too "nice" for the job. His was a nature that
craved approval and affection, in politics as
well as in his personal life, where he had various
extra-marital affairs, most famously (in retrospect)
with Marjorie Gillespie, the woman who witnessed
him swept away in the surf. Frame rather quaintly
describes Holt's relationships with various women
as "largely therapeutic. He explained to one cabinet
colleague that he had someone to whom he was very
close in Canberra because it made parliamentary
sittings easier to endure".
While Holt's soft personality and lack of vision
made for flawed leadership, almost any leader
would have had his work cut out at that time.
Inevitably, the end of the Menzies reign would
have a destabilising effect (though it took a
few more years and another couple of leaders before
it all ended in the Liberals' tears of 1972),
and that was reinforced by the changing nature
of society at home and abroad. Holt's performance
might well, if he had lived, declined further.
But it is also fair to put his short time in context:
how would John Howard be regarded, if his term
had ended about December 1997, after what had
been a poor year?
Frame's book, packed with detail, has been a
decade in the making. It is a sympathetic picture
- not surprisingly, because his decision to write
it was "ultimately, provoked by what I considered
unfair personal and professional denigration of
the late prime minister". Still, Frame does not
shy away from laying out Holt's flaws. The book's
limitation is that it does not manage to get the
reader sufficiently into the skins of Holt and
his colleagues, or to convey dramatically enough
the feel of Australian society in these years
when the baby boomers were becoming adults.
Peter Costello, who launches the biography next
week, recalls in his foreword that the day Holt
vanished was "my first clear memory of an Australian
political event". Now Costello occupies the seat,
the deputy Liberal leadership and the portfolio
once held by the man who, Frame judges, would
never have challenged for the Liberal leadership
even if Menzies "had stayed in power until he
was 80".
life and death of Harold Holt - Reviews - Books
- Entertainment |
Case of missing PM to be reopened
Bernard O'Riordan in Sydney
Wednesday August 24, 2005
It remains the greatest
mystery in Australian political history: did the
then prime minister Harold Holt drown while swimming
at his favourite beach or was he spirited away
in a Chinese submarine?
Almost four decades after Holt vanished at
Cheviot Beach, south-east of Melbourne, an inquest
is trying to solve one of the country's oldest
political whodunits.
The decision by Victoria's coroner's office
to reopen the 38-year-old case was not motivated
by fresh doubts about the conservative prime
minister's presumed death at 59, but by a law
change requiring investigations into more than
100 drownings in which the bodies were not found.
The police file on Holt's disappearance has remained
technically open, but because no body was found,
no inquest could be conducted. That law changed
in 1985.
Holt, who loved the image of a flamboyant outdoors
man - posing for press photos James Bond-style
in flippers and snorkel with bikini-clad women
- was officially declared to have drowned while
swimming in the ocean on December 17 1967.
A police investigation a year later found that
Holt may have drowned in rough seas, or been
taken by sharks.
The sea claims dozens of lives every year in
Australia, but many people were reluctant to
accept that something as mundane as drowning
had claimed their leader.
A copy of the police report, now housed at
the National Archives of Australia, made no
mention of how Holt may have died or the whereabouts
of his body.
In the fevered cold war climate this simply
fuelled the conspiracy theories and provided
Australians with their own home-grown version
of the John F Kennedy assassination intrigue.
Holt had been prime minister for 22 months
when he disappeared, prompting claims that he
may have committed suicide because of political
pressures, or run off with a mistress.
In 1983, a former Australian naval officer,
Ronald Titcombe, persuaded the British novelist
Anthony Grey that Holt had been a Chinese spy
since the early 1930s.
He claimed that Holt, fearing detection by
Australian intelligence officers, had sought
political asylum in a Chinese midget submarine
waiting off Portsea, near Melbourne.
Holt's widow, the fashion designer Zara Holt,
dismissed this conspiracy theory several years
later when she said: "Harry? Chinese submarine?
He didn't even like Chinese cooking."
Others believed the CIA killed Holt because
they thought he was about to take Australia
out of Vietnam, given the strong opposition
to the war by many Australians.
The CIA theory was equally fanciful, given
that Holt had pledged during a visit to the
White House in 1966 to go "all the way with
LBJ", referring to the then American president,
Lyndon Johnson.
Yet another theory was that he had faked his
drowning - as the British MP John Stonehouse
did seven years later - to join a lover in the
south of France. Holt supposedly died of a heart
attack 10 years later.
Most Australians now accept the conventional
version of events: that Holt was swept out to
sea and drowned. But with a full public inquest
now under way, many cannot resist dusting off
the old wild yarns.
Lawrence Newell, the retired police inspector
who investigated the case at the time, yesterday
dismissed the conspiracy theories surrounding
the fate of Australia's 18th prime minister.
He said the only culprits were Mr Holt's over-confidence
in his swimming ability and the treacherous
"I thought about them [conspiracy theories]
carefully and none of them seemed to me to be
at all credible," the 85-year-old told the Melbourne
coroner's court. "I think he went for a swim
under conditions where he was most unwise and
that's it, and he got swept out to Bass Strait."
The Victoria coroner is expected to close the
book on one of Australia's most enduring mysteries
on September 2, when he hands down his findings
on Holt's death.
New inquest on Harold Holt fires
There are many conspiracy
theories about the former prime minister's death
but the most likely explanation is he simply drowned
Thursday, Aug 25, 2005, Page 4
It remains greatest mystery in
Australian political history: Did the then prime
minister Harold Holt drown while swimming at
his favourite beach or was he spirited away
in a Chinese submarine?
Almost four decades after Holt
vanished at Cheviot Beach, south-east of Melbourne,
an inquest is trying to solve one of the country's
oldest political whodunits.
The decision by Victoria's coroner's
office to re-open the 38- year-old case was
not motivated by fresh doubts about the conservative
prime minister's presumed death at 59, but by
a law change requiring investigations into more
than 100 drownings in which the bodies were
not found.
The police file on Holt's disappearance
has remained technically open, but because no
body was found, no inquest could be conducted.
That law changed in 1985.
Holt, who loved the image of flamboyant
outdoors man -- posing for press photos James
Bond-style in flippers and snorkel with bikini-clad
women -- was officially declared to have drowned
while swimming in the ocean on December 17 1967.
A police investigation a year
later found that Holt may have drowned in rough
seas, or had been taken by sharks.
The sea claims dozens of lives
every year in Australia, but many people were
reluctant to accept that something as mundane
as drowning had claimed their leader.
A copy of the police report, now
housed at the National Archives of Australia,
made no mention of how Holt may have died or
the whereabouts of his body.
In the fevered cold war climate
this simply fuelled the conspiracy theories
and provided Australians with their own home-grown
version of the John F. Kennedy assassination
Holt had been prime minister for
22 months when he disappeared, prompting claims
that he may have committed suicide because of
political pressures, or had run off with a mistress.
In 1983, a former Australian naval
officer, Ronald Titcombe, persuaded the British
novelist Anthony Grey that Holt had been a Chinese
spy since the early 1930s.
He claimed that Holt, fearing
detection by Australian intelligence officers,
had sought political asylum in a Chinese midget
submarine waiting off Portsea, near Melbourne.
Holt's widow, the fashion designer
Zara Holt, dismissed this conspiracy theory
several years later when she said: "Harry? Chinese
submarine? He didn't even like Chinese cooking."
Others believed the CIA killed
Holt because they thought he was about to take
Australia out of Vietnam, given the strong opposition
to the war by many Australians.
The CIA theory was equally fanciful,
given that Holt had pledged during a visit to
the White House in 1966 to go "all the way with
LBJ", referring to the then American president,
Lyndon Johnson.
Yet another theory was that he
had faked his drowning -- as the British MP
John Stonehouse did seven years later -- to
join a lover in the south of France. Holt supposedly
died of a heart attack 10 years later.
Most Australians now accept the
conventional version of events: that Holt was
swept out to sea and drowned. But with a full
public inquest now under way, many cannot resist
dusting off the old wild yarns.
Lawrence Newell, the retired police
inspector who investigated the case at the time,
yesterday dismissed the conspiracy theories.
He said the only culprits were
Mr Holt's over-confidence in his swimming ability
and the treacherous seas.
"I thought about them (conspiracy
theories) carefully and none of them seemed
to me to be at all credible," the 85-year-old
told the Melbourne coroner's court.
Guardian Unlimited Special reports
Case of missing PM to be reopened |
Case of missing PM to be re-opened
By Guardian Newspapers,
remains the greatest mystery in Australian political
history: did the then prime minister Harold Holt
drown while swimming at his favourite beach or
was he spirited away in a Chinese submarine?
Almost four
decades after Holt vanished at Cheviot Beach,
south-east of Melbourne, an inquest is trying
to solve one of the country's oldest political
The decision by Victoria's coroner's office to
reopen the 38-year-old case was not motivated
by fresh doubts about the conservative prime minister's
presumed death at 59, but by a law change requiring
investigations into more than 100 drownings in
which the bodies were not found.
The police file on Holt's disappearance has remained
technically open, but because no body was found,
no inquest could be conducted. That law changed
in 1985.
Holt, who loved the image of a flamboyant outdoors
man - posing for press photos James Bond-style
in flippers and snorkel with bikini-clad women
- was officially declared to have drowned while
swimming in the ocean on December 17 1967.
A police investigation a year later found that
Holt may have drowned in rough seas, or been taken
by sharks.
The sea claims dozens of lives every year in Australia,
but many people were reluctant to accept that
something as mundane as drowning had claimed their
A copy of the police report, now housed at the
National Archives of Australia, made no mention
of how Holt may have died or the whereabouts of
his body.
In the fevered cold war climate this simply fuelled
the conspiracy theories and provided Australians
with their own home-grown version of the John
F Kennedy assassination intrigue.
Holt had been prime minister for 22 months when
he disappeared, prompting claims that he may have
committed suicide because of political pressures,
or run off with a mistress.
In 1983, a former Australian naval officer, Ronald
Titcombe, persuaded the British novelist Anthony
Grey that Holt had been a Chinese spy since the
early 1930s.
He claimed that Holt, fearing detection by Australian
intelligence officers, had sought political asylum
in a Chinese midget submarine waiting off Portsea,
near Melbourne.
Holt's widow, the fashion designer Zara Holt,
dismissed this conspiracy theory several years
later when she said: "Harry? Chinese submarine?
He didn't even like Chinese cooking."
Others believed the CIA killed Holt because they
thought he was about to take Australia out of
Vietnam, given the strong opposition to the war
by many Australians.
The CIA theory was equally fanciful, given that
Holt had pledged during a visit to the White House
in 1966 to go "all the way with LBJ", referring
to the then American president, Lyndon Johnson.
Yet another theory was that he had faked his drowning
- as the British MP John Stonehouse did seven
years later - to join a lover in the south of
France. Holt supposedly died of a heart attack
10 years later.
Most Australians now accept the conventional version
of events: that Holt was swept out to sea and
drowned. But with a full public inquest now under
way, many cannot resist dusting off the old wild
Lawrence Newell, the retired police inspector
who investigated the case at the time, yesterday
dismissed the conspiracy theories surrounding
the fate of Australia's 18th prime minister.
He said the only culprits were Mr Holt's over-confidence
in his swimming ability and the treacherous seas.
"I thought about them [conspiracy theories] carefully
and none of them seemed to me to be at all credible,"
the 85-year-old told the Melbourne coroner's court.
"I think he went for a swim under conditions where
he was most unwise and that's it, and he got swept
out to Bass Strait."
The Victoria coroner is expected to close the
book on one of Australia's most enduring mysteries
on September 2, when he hands down his findings
on Holt's death.
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