below email was sent to my server after this website had been
down for 2 days and I must add, there had been numerous interferences
to this website in the past and no explanations were ever
forthcoming nor given by them when asked. Then on this occasion,
on enquiring what the problem was regarding the site being
down, my email had been blocked and where I was then forced
to resend it from another email account as shown below.
In the below email, I stated to them: "I can hardly preach
that I've Invoked the 2nd Law and how these Laws are immutable
if I accept this/your action in regards to what is happening
now to the haroldholt.net website. -- You see, you may be
trying to bring in the Law of ALLOWANCE and no, I won't allow
this with my Invoking of the 2nd Law of Intent so if someone
is trying to play a game and see how far they can stretch
it without the consequences, this I won't allow nor any game
to be played with my Invoking."
Also, as I state near the bottom of Government
Files a Hearsay Document
- "This is why this evil game on Earth is slowing down
dramatically and it will soon be at a stop and then all on
Earth will see the illusion that was created including all
the Emporers are wearing no clothes as "they" are
accountable and have no authority to be here or to play this
evil game here on Earth when it is not even "their"
Planet. In other words, their game is over, them and their
Satanic God are accountable now to our Highest Authority,
our Creator through my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe
here in Australia and where now their mocking has come to
an end."
I also state in the bottom paragraph above the Affidavit 28
January 2004 - What "they" the Satanic Ones
and their followers fail to comprehend at this moment in time,
is that through my Invoking of the 2nd Law of the Universe,
I not only have them accountable but I also have "their
Satanic GOD" accountable to our Highest Authority, our
The Laws are what they are and the harold-holt.net website
is what it is - |
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006
7:04 PM
Subject: Fw: I deem the haroldholt
website being offline an interference and intend to change
To The Support
am resending an email that I had sent off to you this morning
which has been rejected from you in my yahoo account
--- please read the below email ---
Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006
6:57 PM
Subject: Fwd: I deem the haroldholt
website being offline an interference and intend to change
Gary David Simmons <simmons498@yahoo.com.au>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:00:21 +1000 (EST)
From: Gary David Simmons < simmons498@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: I deem the haroldholt website being offline an
interference and intend to change servers
To: Veridas < support@vti.com.au>
Dear Support Team,
In regards to the haroldholt website being offline and also
I've noticed that you, the server is also down.
Due to the fact there has been no reply to my email as to
the reason or cause of why the haroldholt website is offline,
I view this as an interference with my Invoking of the
haroldholt website under the 2nd Law of the Universe
and I put you on notice to this fact and I will now be taking
the action of finding a new server which then makes you
and your company accountable for your action/actions.
Yes, I know
there could be a thousand and one reasons and yes I know,
this happens all the time but, this time you/company may
be just testing the water in seeing what you can get away
with -- now I can hardly preach that I've Invoked the
2nd Law and how these Laws are immutable if I
accept this/your action in regards to what is happening
now to the haroldholt.net website. -- You see, you may be
trying to bring in the Law of ALLOWANCE and no, I
won't allow this with my Invoking of the 2nd Law of Intent
so if someone is trying to play a game and see how far they
can stretch it without the consequences, this I won't allow
nor any game to be played with my Invoking.
So once again, I inform you and your company, I view and
deem this as an interference with my Invoking of the
haroldholt website and this is why I now take the action
to inform you that I do intend to have my site transferred
to another server --
Since you do not find it important to inform your customers
to the problems regarding their websites, I will be back
in contact with you when I have made arrangements with another
Gary D Simmons